Kamis, 07 Juli 2022

patrick holiday schools

Hello my name is Patrick santo novrio mukti from class Xi mipa 5 and this is story of my vacation

On June 20 to 30 I stayed at my grandmother's house in Solo
The purpose of staying at grandma's house is so that I can experience other entertainment and to get a new atmosphere. Luckily the first 2 days were very exciting but when day 3 to day 9 it started to get a bit boring right and I also started to miss Salatiga but from this stay I got a lot The lesson that I can't get anywhere is a lesson that teaches me to get used to being independent because there I have to buy my own food and go alone and even wash my own clothes but everything turns out to be not bad enough, it's even more fun if I can live independently. 10, which is the day when I was picked up by my parents, I was actually quite happy because I finally came back to Salatiga but a bit sad because I left Solo and also left my grandmother but what can I do because it is time to go home

Then on July 1st to 6th, I officially returned to Salatiga. I finally went home, the first step when I arrived in Salatiga was to go with friends, how about going but when I was solo, I kind of missed my friends because there I was really alone and I didn't have any friends age with me

Kamis, 15 Februari 2018

Inilah produk jamu pelangsing herbal kami yang telah terbukti khasiatnya dan berasal dari tanaman-tanaman obat yang  berkhasiat dari negeri sendiri,Indonesia yang kaya akan tumbuhan obat-obatan  serta rempah-rempah yang tersebar dari Sabang sampai Merauke. Pengemasannya pun tak kalah dengan kualitas pabrik.

Kemasan produk yang kami hasilkan dari pembuatan jamu herbal ini dikerjakan semaximal mungkin dengan memperhatikan beberapa aspek kehygienissan dan perlakuan produk yang sesuai standart ISO.

Salah satu tanaman yang ikut andil dalam campuran yang pokok dipakai untuk pelangsing tubuh adalah di antaranya :

1.  Asam jawa
2.  Mentimun
3.  Pepaya
4.  Kunyit
5. Teh hijau

Tetapi dari sekian yang saya sebut di atas masih banyak rempah-rempah dan tanaman herbal yang belum kami uraikan seperti pada gambar di atas.

Ini adalah salah satu produk yang sudah siap dikemas.